Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oishi no Makizushi

I used to bluff in front of you guys that I would in charge of the meals if we stayed togather but we ended up studying in different places. Thus, instead of cooking for you guys everyday, I shall share with you some of my cooking experiences so you can feed yourselves everyday!

This sushi is made with the help of bamboo mat called Makisu, that's the reason it is called Makizushi. The serving is arround 6 to 8 persons. I couldn't tell you the exact amount of ingredients, most of the time "agak-agak" .


two cups of japanese rice
rice vinegar ( use the one in your house)
half cup of sugar solution( mix sugar with hot water, stir it until it becomes sugar solution)
little bit of salt

one packet of nori ( the seaweed wrapper)
two Japanese cucumbers cut into long rod shape

one carrot cut into long rod shape
boiled asparagus with water
fried egg

cheddar chesedale sliced into six
cooked sausage sliced into long rod shape
white sesame


1. Put rice in the rice cooker. Wash the rice 2-3 times. Use your finger to measure the depth of the rice in the rice cooker. The water needed is twice the depth of the rice.

2. After the rice is cooked, gradually mix the rice withe rice vinegar, sugar solution and salt untill the taste suite you.Please be careful, make sure you don't mix too much of the solution in rice or else it would become too watery.

Let's start rolling sushi!

1. Put a makisu on your table. Actually mama made makisu herslf by using the satay sticks and some threads.

2. Put the nori on top of makisu, the nori should be facing you vertically. Please make sure the rougher side of the nori facing upward.

3. Then, put the seasoned japanese rice evenly on top of the nori. Leave one inch blank in the begining and 1 cm blank at the end of norr. However the side of the nori must fully covered with rice. This can make sure the two sides of makizushi won't ‘kemek’ after you roll it up.

4. Next, line up the carrot, asparagus, japanese cucumber , cheddar chesedale, fried egg, sausage and sesame like soldiers on the side of the rice which has one inch blank. If you feel time and budget constraint to prepare so many ingredients, then you can put the basic ingredients like the carrot, cucumber and fired egg. You can change or add other ingredients if you like.

5. By using the one inch blank of nori to cover up the ingredients, you can start rolling up the sushi. Use the bamboo mat to help you press the all the ingredients together. Please don't press too hard untill the rice break out from the nori.

6. Then use knife to cut the rolled sushi into 6 to 8 pieces. To cut it nicely, you can smear some vinegar on the knife. You should cut the sushi like using the saw, softly cut it thru and fro.

7. Lastly, serve it with the soy sauce and wasabi. Now you can enjoy your makizushi with green tea!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


aHeong was back in Muar during the study week. She was watching TV with mama.

Mama asked, "Ah Xin, do you know when is the Mother's Day?"

aHeong was hesitating, " Eh I don't know lei, is it the first Sunday of May or the third Sunday of May?"

Mama was a little bit shock and asked , " How can you don't know about it?! "

aHeong then said, " We usually don't celebrate Mother's Day right? Why you ask? You want us to celebrate with you is it? HaHa"

Mama looked away and said," No la, I'm only asking for fun..."

This was how mama reacted when she wanted something but she scared of making her children felt troublesome.

Mama didn't receive any flower since her wedding day because the husband she chose was lacking of romantic gene. Finally, aHeong and her two sisters came back to Muar togather last Saturday. The Three Masketeers decided to give their mama a surprise. The sister bought a bouquet of carnation for her mama.

During the photo shooting session, the three masketeers and the niece was shouting the husband to come out and take a photo with mama. In the end, mama was to too shy and found a very lame excuse to shun away. XD

Mama said, "aiyo,I'm very busy, I have to bring Tian Tong go out to shit! "

The Three Masketeers and the Mama

Should aHeong say "I DO ? "

Saturday, May 1, 2010



我提着大包小包的行李坐ktm离开了INTI,心里很是感慨,等了那么久的一天终于来了!有那么一点难以相信.无奈却又油然而起,我好不容易经营的友谊,后不容易适应的环境,有得离开了...对未来在美国的日子又得重新适应环境,认识新朋友,学习独立感到期待,担心,还有厌烦...对厌烦! 想到必须处理那复杂又烦人的出国手续,身体检查,找房子,大笔大笔必须付的钱,我的心就累了。。有那么一点明白恩祖(灰姑娘的姐姐的主角)的心情,她也一定为不停的重新适应环境,不停的重新来过感到厌烦吧!但其实我们的人生里重新来过不是常有的事吗?进入幼儿园,小学,中学,大学,进入社会,恋爱,结婚,生子还有很多很多,我们都必须重新适应新的人,事,物。。曾经为幼儿园,小学,中学到大学的第一天感到兴奋又紧张,但我都经历了并生存下来。借此安慰和鼓励自己,我在美国一定可以活得很好!(冒冷汗!) 相信这一切的一切都是人生中的转折点,它们能让我变得更坚强更好!